Scaffold-Needs aims to make 3D scaffolds and 3D scaffold platforms with integrated electrodes commercially available via MESO-BRAIN spin-off company Laser nanoFab GmbH.
We envisage that the 3D scaffold platforms will enable scientific and medical researchers to use them for a variety of studies e.g. as 3D neuronal cell models for investigations of fundamental mechanisms of human neuronal activity; in tests of pharmacological and toxicological compounds and in modelling of neuronal diseases.
Figure: Laser fabricated scaffolds represent an attractive 3D culture platform for the development of in vitro 3D modelling tools in neuroscience.
The image on the right shows a 3D human iPSC-derived neuronal network developed in a laser fabricated scaffold. Green: neurons stained with MAP2 neuronal marker; Blue: DAPI nuclear staining. 70 days in culture.
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Watch our short explainer video about how tissue engineering works!
The basics of tissue engineering explained simply in 100 seconds.
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